Oct 7 – 13, 2018: Weekly Forecast

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10/8 ~ LIBRA New Moon:
Often, the Aries Full Moon (9/24) shines a bright light on that which is no longer part of your Identity or what you no longer desire in your life. You’ve grown & evolved over the last 6-months to a year, and as you begin to more fully express this “new you”, the more your partnerships and relationships will also have to adjust. The Libra New Moon (10/8) is an excellent time to set your intentions for restored balance within your own Being, enabling healthier relationships. Keep in mind you will always attract your *Vibrational Match* … so how’s your vibe these days? Inviting, welcoming … or … guarded and doubtful?

Libra New Moon (10/8) is all about setting new intentions around conscious equal partnership, whether public or private, short-term or long-term, balance is the key. This is the month to honor The Scales that we must weigh our personal progress against our obvious manifestations in relationships (for better or worse). It’s time to assess the strength & value of each one (one-by-one) and what kind of time, energy & resources you have and are willing to invest further with this person, situation or agreement. Soulful kinship and a sense of belonging are vital for most humans and this year, we will cultivate that more than ever. We can renegotiate as we go, at regular intervals, and I highly recommend that you do. We can be part of something without being burdened by it. We can have soulful connections without losing ourselves. We can still love each other even if/when we do not agree. It’s time to define your individual terms and start renegotiating with those who matter, while releasing those people, situations or agreements who do not matter anymore.

Libra energy reminds you to connect with inner balance and cultivate community with love and compassion. While Venus, Libra’s ruler, is currently extending her stay in Scorpio, reminding us that seeds germinate in the darkness and planting a garden or building a community can be funky yet necessary work. It’s brief dip into Libra will remind you that the ultimate goal is beauty, peace and balanced kinship. But in Scorpio, she reminds you that beauty is not always pretty but can also be fierce and powerful, deep and transformative, but above all, pure & honest.

10/10 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~oppose~ Uranus (radical shift):
This energy tends to make your mind work in over-drive. Not that you think too much, but rather you may tend to think, speak and process information faster than usual. However, when you are moving that fast, sometimes you can overlook something vital. The negative expression of this energy tends to make you feel scattered and disorganized, but the positive side of it is making those brilliant connections that are normally just out of reach. Your perception and intuition are picking up so much in such a short period of time that you will want to review the details later to ensure you didn’t overlook something crucial to your development. You may be impatient with same-old/same-old routine but check in with your body to make sure it is not just your monkey mind playing tricks on you. It is a good time to breathe and be flexible because if you are impatient with this energy, you are more likely to make mistakes. Anytime Uranus is involved, radical shifts and ah-ha moments are totally possible on an internal level, however, on an external level you may tend to blurt things our without proper forethought. Be sure to engage your Heart and some kind of filter, especially when communicating with others this week.

10/10 ~ Venus Rx (values & priorities) ~square~ Mars (desire & passion):
(2 of 2: 9/8 ~ 10/10)
This is our Inner Sacred Feminine & Masculine pushing out of comfort zone and into new territory. It’s time to recalibrate how you give & receive, as well as how you BE versus DO. It helps to know the Signs + Elements to consciously choose how to work with it. In this case (10/10), Venus is at 10* Scorpio and Mars is at 10* Aquarius, which is Water & Air, feelings & thoughts. In this case, your individual responsibility or obligation to certain relationships is challenged to grow to a whole new level or come to a natural end. Anytime Venus & Mars interact, the energy has to do with your relationships, both personal & professional, private & public. Squares create the necessary tension to catalyze action. As an individual, it is time to grow, change & integrate your own Venus (values & priorities) with your own Mars (desires & passion), however, on another level it activates sexual energy as that too is the energy of creation. Your desires & inner Sacred Masculine is finishing its retro-recalibration, meaning who you are and what you want has likely fundamentally changed in the last 2-years. Now that you’ve altered what you want, adjustments must be made to accommodate the new values & priorities that you are about to recalibrate with the current Venus Retro in Scorpio (10/5-11/16). Use this tension to clarify what you are building.

10/11 ~ Sun (illumination) ~square~ Pluto (transformation):
This is a challenge to grow out of your comfort zone and into new territory. That said, with Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2024), twice a year for these 16-years, when the Sun is in Aries (Spring) and Libra (Fall), we get an opportunity to grow & change in fundamental departments of life: self vs other and home vs work. In this case, and during these years, we are literally changing how we do ALL of this. Each year builds on the previous and we are now more than 10-years into the 16-year process of transformation, so we still have a ways to go. It is here that you have the most information to consciously work with, so set intentions for what you would like to get out of your conscious efforts and dedication over this time. Annually, the Sun helps us clarify and when working with Pluto, it is usually what is NOT working, what has run its course and is ready to be composted into new Life, new growth and a new direction (for Self). Pluto is the Purifier, distilling things back to their true and original essence, fight that and it can be painful, work with it consciously and it can be transformative and will heal at the deepest root of any challenge. You can use this activation to honor that which has become obvious, or is highlighted in the here & now and purge or purify this energy consciously. You are deeply supported for releasing old patterns and setting new conscious practices into action. Tie up any loose ends, close multiple chapters, mourn (if you must) & move on. As you do that, you will feel lighter & brighter and more grounded in your true Self, your evolved Self, your Emergent Self.

10/12 ~ Mercury (communication) ~sextile~ Saturn (responsibility):
This energy is really good for being able to objectively see what needs to be changed, fixed or stabilized in your life or environment. One expression of this energy is a tendency toward depression or apathy, but a better expression would be facing what needs to be done and following through on what you have begun. You may feel the need to organize things at home or work, or perhaps take a class or workshop of some sort that will help you attain your current goals. Either way, be focused but not too serious – balance in all things. It’s when you focus on the lack and limitation that you feel overwhelmed and sometimes helpless. That’s not the point of this energy. It’s just time to do some serious thinking, tend to the details, take stock and make changes accordingly.

* KarmicTools.wordpress.com/blog/ * Copyright © 2000-2018 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute
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About KarmicTools

About Kelly M. Beard + KarmicTools.com: I have been an astrologer since 1996. My mission + focus continues to evolve, through spiritual, intuitive and now, shamanic astrology where I have created an ongoing active practice of consciously working with the available energies, natural earthly rhythms + ongoing planetary cycles to guide + direct my life. We develop a relationship with Self, Earth + Sky thru simple awareness + conscious co-creation. As we develop a rhythm to our individual active practice, strengthened + fortified by the group energy, we learn how to create space for magic, miracles + more synchronicities to take place in our lives. Together, we consciously co-create with: ~ Natural Earthly Rhythms (8 Sacred Seasons) ~ Ongoing Planetary Cycles (Alignments + Activations) ~ Available Energetic Support (Angels, Ancestors + Animal Guides)
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